Darlings! I am currently undergoing something of a reboot at the moment which I thought I would fill you in on. Not in an electronic sense but a physical one. After a worrying check up at the doctors I have been put on a diet and fitness regime to help sort out my heart and liver which are, to use the technical term, a bit fucked. No, I haven't been caning it or doing a Claire from Steps....
This is purely down to a damn finicky genetic thing (and OK a love of cake). SO anywho, I have shifted a stone so far, quit the fags for good, stopped drinking for a month and next week I shall join the gym.
I promise this is not going to turn into one of those tedious diet blogs, but I WILL fill you in on what goes on in the gym changing rooms and try and take pictures of fit city gents changing. I still have some vices after all.....
Anyway, I didn't want to mention anything on here in case it all went to pot but as I am a fair way into it now and showing no signs of cracking I thought I would tell you at last.
Oh and for my non brit readers Fags = cigarettes, I could never give up my gay man habit...
Next update: Love life....
I was concerned about you "quitting the fags for good" but then I remembered that you live in London and probably meant cigarettes.
hah Darling, to paraphrase Brokeback Mountain. "Ah Caint quit THEM" Just the cigarettes, never the men...
i started working out last september and am really glad i did. You'll feel better if you stick to it!
*sigh* I wish I had your willpower and determination. Apparently I need to lose a stone but you know me!!!!
Keep me updated and it might encourage me a bit more :-)
Thankyou darling! I will keep you informed. It really is just a matter of reaching that 'point' I think. You can tell yourself you 'need' to do something over and over again but until you actually WANT to (even HAVE to) you will find it hard.
With me it is almost a compulsion to sort myself out.
Oh and thanks Tim! I am quite nervous actually as I have never set foot in a gym in my life, but I bought all the cool gym gear today so that makes me feel better...
How is the gym going??
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